Create new a c c o u n t in gmail

To complement the first post and because blogger mendalo has promised will give you instructions on how to create an email in, so this time I tried to make a post about the steps create an email.

Here is how to create a email at
1. open the browser
2. type
3. Click Create an account
4. If the Create an account was at a click, it will open a Google Account to Create your page, on that page you must complete your data needed by google by the way mengiisi column that is already available. Data-the data required include: first name, last name, password, date of birth, gender, phone number, email, and your domilsili location

create gmail account fast

the google accounts home page

Below is how to fill out a form to make an email in gmail:
In the column name, there are two columns i.e. first name and last name. Example: name in content with Blogger last name Mendalo.
Choose your username
At Choose your username , filled with your email name example:
Create a password
On the Create a password column , filled with a password that you will use later when you open an email.
Confirm your password
Filled should be the same as the password you create first, this is the point that you remember with the letters you have entered.
Filled with months of birth, date of birth, and your birth year
On a Gender column, you can simply select the Famale, Male, and the Other by clicking the arrow that becomes available.
Car Phone
Filled with your mobile phone number. Make sure your phone number is active, because later there are verisifikasi messages sent by google and verify that you must use to verifiiikasi the emails that you create.
Your current email address
filled with emails that have had, this is the point when you forgot your password then the password will be emailed to you.
Prove you're not a robot
Please enter the numbers in the picture above.
Select the location of your country
I agree to to the Google Terms of Service Privacy Policy your
Give the sign looked to conteng
Continue with the Next step
When you have finished filling out all of the available column correctly, and have click Next step, then you will find a page that reads:
Your new email address is

Thanks for creating a Google Account. Use it to subscribe to channels on YouTube, video chat for free, save favorite places on Maps, and lots more.

Continue by clicking Continue to Gmail, and next you will be taken to your email page
Create new a c c o u n t in gmail
How to make an about me page on blogger

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