Hide date posts on blogger

Hide date posted on blogger. by default, the date when we post the article on your blog will be shown above the title of the post. If we look at some blogs belonging to another person, the date of their posting is not visible. It turns out that the date of the blog posts we can hide.

The advantage of hiding the blogger post date is when a search for information using search engines with keywords such as: "How to create a blog post 2016" and they managed to find one article with the title really match what they are looking for but when it turns out that the year is 2015, then there's a chance they are not so open it, because they're looking for is 2016.

Following is the result of the search "How to create a blog post" by displaying the date.

Hide date posts on blogger

Try to look at the image above; the first row is the title of the post: How to create a blog post. The title is very appropriate with the keywords used. on the second line is the address of a blog makes a post How to create a blog post. on the third line is the date of posting and posting description. It's a pity because potential visitors are looking for How to create a blog post 2016 but they see is "Aug 29, 2015", then it is possible they are not so open our blog.

well, after explaining at length about hiding the date posts on blogger, then now is the time we start guide hide post date on this blogger:
  • Login to blogger has become a necessity
  • Open layout
  • Click EDIT on the elements of the Blog post
  • Remove the tick mark on the date
  • Save

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